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Don't hate the Player, Hate the Game

Support College Athletes in Their Struggles Against a Flawed College System

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Mission Statement

Our goal is to raise awareness about the different issues college athletes face. We're here to provide solutions and resources to promote change. 

why is this important?

The National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA, is wrongfully exploiting college athletes for their talent by not properly accommodating them for the millions they bring in in profits. The NCAA, a certified nonprofit organization, makes billions of dollars every year because of college athletes, but won't pay or allow them to sign endorsement deals or accept payment for their likeness. Although the NCAA is a nonprofit, not all the money made goes back to the players. Instead, most of the money made go towards paying coaches and NCAA officials millions of dollars in salaries. Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, recently passed a bill called the Fair Pay to Play act, which circumvents the NCAA's prohibitions to paying athletes and allowing endorsement deals. Newsom's new act raises questions as to whether or not college athletes deserve to be paid; and many controversies surrounding his new bill are making people question the credibility of the NCAA.



wHY WE Care and why you should too

As former and current student-athletes, we are all too familiar with the struggles athletes face while trying to juggle both school and sports simultaneously. We understand that sports take up many athletes' lives, leaving little time to have a job and earn money. That's why we are choosing to speak up and advocate for college athletes and the struggles they face with financial hardships and racial inequities because we feel that no one else will. If you are a student-athlete, a non-athlete, parent, or someone who's tired of being tossed aside, by raising awareness of these issues, we can enact change. Billion-dollar institutions like the NCAA, who profit off of others, is not something that only happens in college sports. These issues occur everywhere, in large corporate businesses, entertainment, you name it. This is not something new. By advocating for college sports, we are the stepping stone in enacting change to a flawed system. Student-athletes are more than a name on a field and a pawn in a billion-dollar game. 

Athlete Sweating

"It is all about equality but also being a head coach of a program, I have to make sure my door is always accessible and open and that each of my players know I am listening". 

Coach Carmen Maciariello 

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